261 - 280 of 321 Results    -    Sorted By

Geometrees are exactly that…plants that are largel...
Geometree 006
Varieties of small sumac
Medium height Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)....
Crape Myrtle
Fully 3D forsythia
Columnar Norway Maple
2D: FFV037
Magnolia soulangiana
2D: FFV038
Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
2D: FFV039
4 mature specimens of Honey mesquite (Prosopis gla...
Honey Mesquite
Four seasonal variants of large cottonwood (Populu...
Cottonwood 5-8
2 specimens of Eucalyptus camaldulensis...1 mature...
Red River Gum
Eucalyptus leucoxylon, variously known as Blue Gum...
Blue Gum
Two SketchUp Face Me examples of Sequoia giganteum...
2D: Sequoia
Four variants of Italian Stone Pine or Umbrella Pi...
Stone Pine
Norwat Spruce (Picea abies 'Excelsea' SketchUp bil...
2D: FFV040
Armstrong columnar red maple (Acer rubrum 'Armstro...
2D: FFV041
'October Glory' Red Maple (Acer rubrum 'October Gl...
2D: FFV042
Golden deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara 'Aurea'). Sket...
2D: FFV043
Kwanzan Cherry (prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'). Sketc...
2D: FFV044
Skyrocket English Oak )Quercus robur 'Skyrocket')....
2D: FFV045
Common Mesquite, Velvet Mesquite, Arizona Mesquite...
2D: FFV046

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